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Introduction :- If you are daring and never hesitate to take risks, you should try this profession. It is not so easy to be an entrepreneur but not even impossible. The day you have born you have continuously tried new things, and being an entrepreneur can be one of them.

Why do I Want to be an Entrepreneur?

My father is a small-scale business man and he sells Banarasi saris. It is our family business but I don’t want to follow that old tradition. I don’t want to keep my business within the four walls. I have some big ideas and want to expand it.Simply following a family business is an easy thing but being an entrepreneur adds another level of excitement to it. I have a big plan to sell my saris in the international market. I will build an online portal and an app. This will help me to connect with people easily and will also deal with different fashion industries.All these things are totally new, even for me and also for my family, but I want to make my parents proud and see me successful. I am not afraid of taking risks but I am also determined.

Qualities of an Entrepreneur :- 

1/A business person is an average person like you and me if something makes them different is their idea. Something that makes them successful is their idea and way of working. I have discussed some of the best qualities of a successful entrepreneur and hope will help you. 

2/Have a deep survey, actually one should start his or her business after having a deep observation of the society as well in the market. Suppose you are planning a software business, then you should know what people really need nowadays. Have time to time survey to grow your business. You can simply put an opinion poll on your website, in this way it will help you to know what people want and what you can add.

3/Trust is one of the biggest success factors, many new entrepreneurs quit just because of a lack of trust in them. Trust yourself because there is no one going to praise you or know you until and unless you are successful. Everyone is having a competition and the only person who can help you is “you”. Trust yourself that you can do it. Believe me, you will do it. A positive attitude somewhere attracts positive powers. So, always trust yourself.

4/An entrepreneur should always have a learning attitude. Learning is a key to success does not matter what profession you choose. If you always learn and want to know more, it will definitely benefit you. Suppose today's new market is the internet and if you have an offline business then your success rate can lack behind. Because there are thousands of competitors in today’s world. So, your learning attitude can help you in this way.

Conclusion :- It needs guts to take risks one should believe in himself and should be ready for every situation. Have patience, because it is not necessary that every time a person will be successful. Just work hard and believe in myself, i will definitely be a successful entrepreneur one day.

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