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What is soil pollution :- Soil is a combination of organic matter, minerals, chemicals, liquids and organisms that sustain life together. Soil pollution is the presence of toxic components in the soil that affect the soil and the environment at large. It is usually caused by industrial production, agricultural products, or unsuitable waste disposal. Due to its impact on plant life, the problem of soil contamination typically comes to light.Soil pollution can arise from the use of pesticides, non-biodegradable materials, manufacturing effluents, and artificial fertilizers.

Soil pollution contributes to other forms of contamination if, for example, soil pollutants are transferred to water or air. Agriculture is highly soil-dependent, and its pollution harms agricultural activities. The soil is the gift of nature that we work on, walk around, find the food source, produce food, etc. However, something done inappropriately is becoming biologically toxic. Carefree use of soil has caused an increased rate of soil pollution which will inevitably make the soil unusable and unrecyclable.

Causes of Soil Pollution :- 

Soil pollution is mostly caused by mindless human activities such as:

Industrial waste :- Industries are by far the worst polluters of the soil with all the chemicals they release into the environment be it in liquid or solid form.

Deforestation :- Clearing of trees leaves soil exposed to the elements so they are easily carried away by soil erosion. This leaves land barren and incapable of supporting vegetation.

Excessive use of fertilisers and pesticides :- 

The increased demand for food has forced farmers to use fertilisers and pesticides that release nothing but toxins into the soil, killing useful microorganisms that are important in plant growth.

Garbage pollution :- Garbage that cannot be recycled is disposed of carelessly and this is not only an eyesore but pollutes the land. Some of this waste can literally take thousands of years to decompose!

Effects of Soil Pollution :- 

Soil pollution is not only the problem in India but it is a global problem. It causes harmful effect on the soil and the environment at large. Contamination of soil will decrease the agricultural output of a land. Major soil pollution after effects are:

Inferior Crop Quality :- It can decrease the quality of the crop. Regular use of chemical fertilizers, inorganic fertilizers, pesticides will decrease the fertility of the soil at a rapid rate and alter the structure of the soil. This will lead to decrease in soil quality and poor quality of crops. Over the time the soil will become less productive due to the accumulation of toxic chemicals in large quantity.

Harmful Effect on Human Health :- It will increase the exposure to toxic and harmful chemicals thus increasing health threats to people living nearby and on the degraded land. Living, working or playing in the contaminated soil can lead to respiratory diseases, skin diseases, and other diseases. Moreover, it can cause other health problems.

Water Sources Contamination :- The surface run-off after raining will carry the polluted soil and enter into different water resource. Thus, it can cause underground water contamination thereby causing water pollution. This water after contamination is not fit for human as well as animal use due to the presence of toxic chemicals.

Negative Impact on Ecosystem and Biodiversity :- Soil pollution can cause an imbalance of the ecosystem of the soil. The soil is an important habitat and is the house of different type of microorganisms, animals, reptiles, mammals, birds, and insects. Thus, soil pollution can negatively impact the lives of the living organisms and can result in the gradual death of many organisms. It can cause health threats to animals grazing in the contaminated soil or microorganisms residing in the soil.

Solution to reduce soil pollution :- 

Soil degradation is a complex problem that requires governments, institutions, communities and individuals to take joint measures. The following are just some of the things we can do to improve its health:

1. Eat sustainable foodstuffs, properly recycle batteries, produce homemade compost and dispose of drugs in the places authorized for this purpose.

2. Encourage a more eco-friendly model for industry, farming and stock breeding, among other economic activities.

3. Improve urban planning and transport planning and waste water treatment.

4. Improve the management of mining waste, restore the landscape and conserve topsoil.

5. Involve local communities and indigenous peoples in the design, implementation and assessment of sustainable land and soil management.

Finality :- soil pollution is very dangerous to health. In order to decrease and limit soil pollution, the individuals particularly industrialists should follow all efficient control measures including environmental protection laws. People should promote the recycling and reuse of solid waste and maximum feasible tree plantation.

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