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PUBG Game :- PUBG is a term you must have probably heard by now. It is the abbreviated form of Player Unknown’s Battleground. Basically, it is a video game which is a multiplayer battle royale game. It is very famous all over the world. However, the entertainment factor does not mean it is all good. The game has become viral and is played by billions of people. The players have become addicted to this game. Moreover, it is hampering their quality of life.

PUBG mobile game addiction – What is its impact?

This video game was first released for Windows and initially this game garnered mixed reviews from its users. Later on, when this game was released for the mobile users, it soon became a rage. Users from all age groups started going crazy about this game. PUBG initially started off as a recreational game but as the users started using it, it soon transformed into the newest addiction. The game is affecting the lives of the players in a critical way and it is also leading them to various types of crimes. There was news recently where a boy committed suicide due to this game addiction towards PUBG. This game also interferes with the academics of the students as they constantly keep wasting their time behind this game. This leads in a huge neglect of their students and lack of concentration. Once the kids start playing this video game called PUBG, this slows down their brain activity and hence they become slow in understanding things that are taught to them. Their focus and concentration just keeps getting lower. Research reveals that PUBG has seen to drop the academic performance of students in a massive way. People who are aged and are working in offices are also heavily addicted to this game. They make groups within offices and play the game whenever they get time. This addiction not only hampers their concentration towards work but also affects their corporate performance. Instead of focusing on their careers, fresh graduates are busy playing PUBG. The players are also seen to skip meetings so that they can keep playing this game. Due to this kind of addiction, they even miss meeting their deadlines. PUBG is such a game that can ruin the relationships that people share with each other. There are even instances where people have gone through relationship breakups and divorces due to the partners getting too engaged in playing this game. People spend the time in playing games instead of spending it with their friends and family members. It causes pain and strain in relationships. It has also led to different types of suicides, murders and other crimes.

Is it possible to control the addiction of PUBG game?

We all know that excess of anything is not good, whether it is a video game or anything else. Nevertheless, there are always ways in which you can control this addiction by taking the right steps. If you are earnestly trying to let go of this addiction, try and spend less time on this game. Leave aside your phone or try to fix a specific time during which you will play it. Try out other ways of diverting your mind. Don’t stay indoors as this will make you crave for playing the game. Indulge in outdoor physical activities like football and cricket. When you get different other things to do, your mind won’t fall back on that same old game. Try to spend time with your family instead of always sitting at the corner and scrolling down your smartphone. Understand the feelings of your loved ones that they too demand your attention when you stay back at home.

Finality :- try to spend time with your family instead of scrolling through the phone or playing your game. When you will be surrounded by your loved ones, you will not care about anything else. So, utilize your time carefully instead of playing PUBG.

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