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Introduction :- Generation Gap is referred to as the difference of beliefs and ideas between people from different generations. This is a common phenomenon and has continued for ages. The term is often used to state the difference of opinions between children and parents or grandparents.

Generation Gap – Impact on Relations :- 

It is always nice to have fresh ideas and points of view. It is a clear indication of how we are advancing and developing at a great level. However, when this clash of ideas and viewpoints becomes gets too much, it becomes a matter of worry. The most common result of this clash is distanced relations. Generally, a generation gap is mostly seen between parents and kids. It shows that parents fail to understand their kids and vice versa. The parents usually follow the traditions and norms. Likewise, they expect their children to conform to the societal norms as they have. But the kids are of the modern age with a broad outlook. They refuse to accept these traditional ways. This is one of the main reasons why the conflict begins. They do not reach a solution and thus distance themselves because of misunderstandings. This is a mistake at both ends. The parents must try not to impose the same expectations which their parents had from them. Similarly, the kids must not outright wrong their parents but try to understand where this is coming from.

How to Bridge the Gap?

Parent-child relationship is the most beautiful relationship in the world. It should be nurtured with love and handled with care. It is unfortunate to see how these relationships are strained at the hands of something as trivial as difference in opinion. It is seen that the older generation always claims to be a better judge and a better decision maker and the younger generation is often made to feel like the culprit. It is time to understand that neither is completely wrong or completely right in what they do. In fact, the definition of right and wrong in this case is different for different generations. There is a need for acceptance and understanding here. People from the older generation must understand that their children are born in a different age and hence their mindset is different from them. Parents and grandparents need to pay attention to why their children are behaving in the way they are behaving and as to why they have an opinion different from them rather than blindly imposing their rules and ideas on the later. Parents must become friends with their children to understand their psyche. Children, on the other hand, must respect their parents. They must trust their parents and share their thoughts with them. Children must be open to feedback and understand that the advice coming from their parents is not wrong. It will only help them progress in life. Parents must not judge their children and allow them the space to do things on their own rather than poking in everything. While parents give their children space, they must define certain boundaries that the later should respect the same. Two-way communication is the basis of a strong relationship and both parents and children must ensure they maintain the same. Any issues must be discussed and both the parties must try to understand each other’s point of view rather than debating against it.

Finality :- generation gap happens due to the constant changes in the world. While we may not stop the evolvement of the world, we can strengthen the bond and bridge the gap it creates. Each person must respect everyone for their individuality rather than fitting them into a box they believe to be right.

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