Durga Puja is a popular festival across India. Specially this festival is famous
in Hindus. Goddess Durga and her children are worshipped in this festival. The
festival represents female power as "Shakti" in the universe. Goddess Durga
killed the demon Mahishasura. It is observed in autumn. The pandels are
decorated by multicolored bulbs, various colourful clothes and materials. The
image of Devi Durga is placed in the pandals. She hold ten different weapons in
her ten hands. She rides on lion. Mahisasur is attacked by Debi Durga. It
signifies that victory of good over the evil. The festival starts on the day of
Sasthi and ends of Vijaya Dashami.Men, women, children buy new clothes and visit
from Pandels to pandels. During this occasion schools, colleges are remain
closed for a few days. This occasion is reunion of friends and reunion of family
members. People enjoy Sasthi,Saptami, ashtomi,nabomi very much but sadness comes
when the images are immersed in the rivers. In vijaydashmi people distribute
sweets with each other. People forget their past enemity and sorrow. They make
good relationship with each other again. So after vijaydashmi everybody start
waiting for next year Durga Puja.
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