Lotus is the national flower of India it is very beautiful flowers my favourite
flower is Lotus ETV when aquatic flower Lotus grows in freshwater Ponds and
lakes generally this flowers pink and white in colour its petals are round in
shape its root is planted in the soil of the water the leaves are floated On The
Water Lotus blooms in the morning and closes at night the Lotus plants need
sunlight he does not grow under the shades in India it is used for keeping God
Goddess Lakshmi is usually shown sitting on a lotus flower and holding it in her
hand lotus flower is also used in party decorations its leaves are also used for
food plates the juice of its stem is used in medicine the lotus flower stands
for truth purity peace and wealth
our national flower short paragraph
our national flower paragraph for class 3
our national flower paragraph for class 1
our national flower essay
national flower paragraph
few lines on our national flower
paragraph on our national flower
paragraph on national flower
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