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The cow is a domestic animal. It is four feeted animal. It has a large body, two eyes, two ears, two horns and a long tail. Its body is covered by fur. It eats grasses, leaves, straw etc. Usually the cow is very gentle in nature. The cow is found all over the world.It is found in different colours, sizes and shapes. A female cow gives milk. It is an ideal food for us. We get Milk products from milk butter, paneer, cream etc. Cow dung is useful for agriculture. It is also used for fuel. Bullock draws plough and carts. The cow is very useful to us. Cow gives us lots of benefit all through her life and even after death. Cow is considered by the Hindu people as a mother and called it as "Goumata".

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the cow paragraph for class 3
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the cow paragraph english

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