THE LION । a lion paragraph
The lion is large mammal of cat family. It is a wild animal. The Lion lives in
the forest. It is very powerful animal in the forest. Every animal considered
Lion as the king of jungle. It has a strong and muscular body. It has four
legs,two eyes, two ears and the long tail. It has a large head. It has sharp
teeth and strong claws. We can easily differentiate a lion and lioness. The head
and neck of the lion are covered with thick hair called mane.The Lion has mane
and the lioness has no mane.The lion is very big and the lioness is smaller than
the lion. They can run very fast. In the forest they kill animals by their
strong claws. All animals get afraid to see the Lion. Lons are famous for their
loud roar which can be heared up to 5 miles away. They can run at the speed of
80 km per hour. They are excellent swimmers also. Generally they hunt at night.
they sleep during the day. They are carnivorous but the lions are not so
ferocious as Tigers. They kill animals when they feel hungry. Otherwise they do
not kill animals. The Lion lives in a group that is called prideForest of
Gujarat is famous for Lions. People cannot kill the lion. The lion is a
protected animal.
the lion paragraph for class 4
the lion king paragraph
the lion paragraph in english
paragraph about the lion king
a lion paragraph
the lion english paragraph
short paragraph about the lion king
the paragraph of lion
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