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national doctors' day । national doctors' day in india । about national doctors day


Introduction :-

 National Doctors’ Day is observed to honor and acknowledge the efforts made by the doctors to the society. Doctors are the brain and vital members of any healthcare system. There is no specific date of National Doctors’ Day and every nation observes it on different dates according to the local history or culture.

Doctors’ Day - History

At first, the idea of observing a National Doctors’ Day was proposed by Eudora Brown, the wife of Dr. Charles B. Almonds. The proposal was made in 1933 nearly a decade after Dr. Crawford Williamson Long conducted his first anesthetic surgery. The surgery was performed on 30th March 1842 on a patient named James Venable in Georgia. Dr. Long used ether as an anesthetic to successfully remove the tumor from the patient’s neck. Eudora also proposed that the day be observed on 30th March, which is the birth anniversary of Dr. Long.

Further, the National Doctors’ Day gained popularity in the United States. On 10th May 1934, the Georgia State Medical Alliance adopted a resolution in this regard at a meeting in Augusta, Georgia.

Subsequently, the National Doctors’ Day was designated as a national holiday 30th October 1990 when President Bush signed a resolution S.J. RES #366 in this effect. In the resolution, it was mentioned to celebrate National Doctors’ Day on 30th March to honor Dr. Long.In 2017 on the appeal of Dr. Marion Mass and Dr. Kimberly Jackson the Physicians’ Day was changed to the Physicians’ Week.

First Doctors’ Day :-

 The first Doctors’ Day was observed in Winder, Georgia on March 28, 1933. Cards were mailed to the doctors and their wives. Deceased doctors were remembered and flowers offered to their graves. The Grave of Dr. Long was also offered flowers and respect was paid to him by the medical fraternity. Dr. William Randolph and his wife hosted a dinner for doctors and reaffirmed their commitment to observe Doctors’ Day every year.

Observance Around the Globe :- 

National Doctors’ Day is observed on different dates in several nations. A brief description of the observation and dates in some of the important nations is given below-

India :- India celebrates National doctor’s Day on 1st July to commemorate the birth anniversary of renowned physician, Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy who also served as the second chief minister of West Bengal.

Conclusion :- National Doctors’ Day is a day to thank the doctors who work tirelessly for the society and remain on call 24/7. Without doctors, society would be plagued with diseases and soon end. It is essential that the efforts of doctors be applauded to inspire them and motivate them to tread pridefully on the path of service to society.

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