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world population day । world population day article । about world population day । article on world population day


Introduction :- Every year the world, under the guidance of the United Nations, observe the World Population Day on 11th July. The first-ever World Population Day was celebrated on 11th July 1991.

Why Is ‘World Population Day’ Required to be Celebrated?

The current world population as in the first quarter of 2020 is 7.8 Billion and the estimated global population increase is around 83 million every year. With this rate the world population is expected to reach 8.6 billion by 2030, reaching 9.8 billion by 2050 and 11.2 billion by the end of the century.

This growth in population, in addition to the fact that the pool of available resources remains the same, will put a never witnessed before stress on the latter. There would be far fewer jobs than the applicants; there would be less healthcare personnel than the patients needing medical care, etc. This will most likely be a situation in every sphere like education, transport, consumption, etc. Also, this volume of the colossal population will also drain essential resources like water, food, fuel, etc. Sadly our natural resources cannot be produced at the same rate with which the population is growing. The situation will be critically worst in developing countries like India, China, Sri Lanka, etc., not to mention the least developed countries like Pakistan and African countries like Angola, Burundi, etc.

World Population Day – India :- Current Indian population stands at approximately 1.36 billion. That puts India as the second-most populous country in the world after China and is also most likely to surpass the latter in 2022.India is a developing nation that falls in the medium category of Human Development Index according to data published in 2019. Despite on the verge of becoming the fastest growing world economy, India struggles with issues like poverty, hunger, unemployment, and corruption, etc. Acknowledging the fact that uncontrolled growth in the population will only worsen the situation, the government of India observes the World Population Day, displaying a full commitment to the cause. The government in coordination with NGOs and local administrative bodies gets in touch with the masses at the grass-root level. People are educated about the impact of the population on the quality of life and availability of resources. Workers and volunteers distribute contraceptives and family planning education material to the people.


World Population Day was established by the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme in 1989. At the root of it was the date 11th July 1987, when the world population reached five billion. It was to bring awareness about the population growth and its impact that the world population day was instituted.

World Population Day was suggested by Dr. K.C. Zachariah who worked as a senior demographer in the World Bank from 1971 to 1987. Dr. Zachariah hailed from the state of Kerala in India and is currently serving as Honorary Professor at the Centre for Development Studies. In further development of events, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution 45/126 in December 1990, proclaiming that a World Population Day be observed every year on July 11th.

Conclusion :- World Population Day addresses a significant issue that directly relates to the quality of life on earth and must be observed with complete participation from all the nations. A population explosion puts an extreme strain on our resources thereby either depriving us or disturbing the quality of the life we live.

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