Introduction :- Modern technology has infiltrated the education sector and as a result, many college students now prefer taking online classes, as opposed to attending the traditional regular classes. This is because online classes are convenient for such students, and more so for those who have to both work and attend classes.
As such, online learning gives them the flexibility that they needed. In addition, online learning also gives an opportunity to students and professionals who would not have otherwise gone back to school to get the necessary qualifications. However, students who have enrolled for online learning do not benefit from the one-on-one interaction with their peers and teachers. The essay shall endeavor to examine the differences between online classes and the traditional classes, with a preference for the later.
Comparison of Online Classes and Traditional Classes :-
There are several other factors that can be used to compare online classes with traditional classes. Each factor justifies how one method is more feasible or effective than the other method.
Flexibility :-
Among the most crucial factors differentiating online classes and traditional classes is flexibility. Traditional classes have fixed class schedules and durations. Students are bound to follow them, having no choice whatsoever. On the other hand, virtual classes offer a great deal of flexibility in terms of schedules and learning processes. Some people aspire to learn, but family or career obligations make it impossible for them to attend regular classes on a fixed schedule. As a result, they’re deprived of higher education. Online education allows learners to schedule their classes according to their availability and needs. Depending on the course, they may even be able to attend the sessions in sections, taking breaks whenever they like. It’s because of this flexibility that working professionals and those who have family obligations are increasingly turning to online programs so that the classes don’t interrupt their work. By opting for online classes, they’re able to attend lectures and work on assignments and projects in their spare time. Similarly, learners can shape and organize the learning process on their own. They may decide to cover difficult topics first and then move on to the easier ones, or vice versa. This isn’t possible with the traditional class model as the study preferences of students differ greatly, and thus, the sequence of topics is planned by the instructor according to what suits him/her. In addition, the traditional class model requires students to be physically present at the campus to be able to attend the class. This means that you’re surely missing the lecture if you can’t attend the class due to illness or any other reason. In the case of online classes, you attend a class from wherever you like. This makes education much more convenient and saves the traveling time and costs needed to visit the campus. studying abroad is also made easier than ever as students don’t have to worry about visas, traveling, accommodation, and other obligations to be present at a foreign college. However, proponents of the traditional class model point out that flexibility can instead act as a barrier to learning. They think that it’s against the class rules to sleep, eat or use a smartphone during lectures, that students should be free from such ‘distractions,’ and follow the rules of traditional classrooms to be able to learn. Since online classes lack the necessary guidance, all types of learners won’t be able to follow those rules, and thereby, might not be able to give their full attention to what they are learning. In contrast, students in a traditional class don’t have many options besides learning, so they tend to focus and learn more. However, students who are really interested and are passionate about the course they’re being taught will automatically work hard.
Their appetite for learning may even encourage them to learn much more than what a traditional class has to offer. Needless to say, students with a lack of interest in the subject will not necessarily learn much in traditional classes either.
Learning Environment :-
Proponents of the traditional class model argue that students in online learning environments do not get the required academic exposure. Learning demands interaction with fellow classmates, which online platforms lack. However, this argument is countered by further technical advancements as universities across the US are introducing satellite facilities across the nation and around different parts of the world to allow online students to meet and take part in virtual events.In addition, many online programs organize physical events from time to time so that students can socialize and work on group projects, which leads to the increased learning engagement. Hence, interaction is no longer limited to traditional classrooms. It’s now up to the online students to decide how much interaction they’d like to have with others. Just because you’re attending online classes doesn’t mean that you can’t interact with others. All you need to do as an online learner is to reach out to others and find common ground to develop friendships.
Study Resources :-
The nature and type of study resources available for online education differ a lot from those used in traditional classes. The eLearning trends have led students to switch from traditional textbooks to eBooks. Traditional classes still heavily rely on textbooks which are often considered inconvenient by the new generation, both in terms of studying and carrying. Online education mostly relies on e-resources that can be accessed from anywhere and can be carried easily using USBs if students prefer that.Moreover, universities with a traditional model typically provide access to resources available at the university library. On the other hand, colleges that are fully online greatly expand the resources offered to their students. But before learners decide to enroll at any such institution, they should try and find out what resources will be offered for course learning.
Feedback :-
In traditional classrooms, the learning process is hampered by delays in instructor feedback. While techniques are now changing in traditional classes, since most of the course work is still handled manually by teachers, they’re preoccupied with a lot of things. Plus, manual grading is common in traditional classrooms, which further consumes a lot of time. As a result, teachers need more time to respond to student queries or requests for feedback. This significantly slows down the learning process. On the other hand, online classrooms have numerous digital mechanisms in place that means that many of the straightforward tasks, like managing student attendance, grade books, etc., are automated. Instructors have a lot of free time to focus on teaching strategies and offering immediate feedback to students. They’re able to address any student queries immediately, speeding up student learning.
Course Variety and Choices :-
While the traditional model of education offers courses pertaining to all the different types of specializations, online classes offer a very limited choice. In time, as virtual classes get more popular, online students will have the same number of program choices as students of traditional classes have.
Education Costs :-
An online educational institution charges a fraction of the tuition fee charged by a traditional university that needs to maintain a large campus. Without any costs for the maintenance of classrooms, physical libraries, recreational facilities, such as sports, infrastructure, etc., online universities save a lot. The only major cost is the maintenance of digital platforms. Hence, they charge a low tuition fee, making it possible for everyone to access higher education.
Finality :- Online learning is convenient and has less basic requirements compared with traditional learning. It also allows learners who would have ordinarily not gone back to school to access an education. However, online students do not benefit from a close interaction with their peers and instructors as do their regular counterparts. Also, regular students can engage their instructors more easily and relatively faster in case they want to have certain sections of the course explained, unlike online students.
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