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Introduction :- Oxygen and water are available in abundance on our planet. We don’t require paying for the oxygen we breathe nor do we have to pay for the various sources of water present on Earth. This is the reason why we, human beings have started taking these elements for granted. Man is making advancements in the field of science and technology at the cost of these life giving elements. Many creations of man such as vehicles, air conditioners and power plants continually release toxic gases in the atmosphere thereby polluting oxygen. The waste products from factories as well as residences are thrown in water thereby polluting the water bodies.

Importance of Oxygen :- Oxygen is one of the basic requirements for our survival. We need oxygen to breathe. Our body inhales oxygen and exhales carbon dioxide. Our respiratory system requires constant supply of fresh oxygen. Oxygen serves as a fuel for our body. It enables our cells to generate energy from the food we consume. Oxygen is also put to industrial use. Many industries require oxygen to run different machines. Oxygen is also required for carrying out certain medical treatments. Apart from this, oxygen is also used to further various recreational activities.

Importance of Water :- We need to drink adequate amount of water to survive and lead a healthy life. Water is also needed for various other purposes. We require it for cooking, cleaning, washing, sanitation purpose, agriculture and industries. Water forms an essential part in the manufacturing of various industrial goods that we require in our routine life. Water is also used to produce electricity without which we cannot imagine our life. Animals also require water for their survival. They mainly use it for the purpose of drinking. They also soak themselves in water to beat the scorching heat during the summer months. Water serves as a habitat for the aquatic creatures.

Value of Water and Oxygen for Plants :- Plants also require oxygen and water to survive and grow. Plants inhale oxygen at night. So, just as we require oxygen, they also require this pure gas for living. Plants also need to be watered regularly. They absorb water to stay hydrated and green. Water also helps in carrying nutrients from the soil to the leaves of the plants where the process of photosynthesis takes place.

We Must Save Water and Oxygen :- If we continue to cut trees, run vehicles that cause smoke, burn fuels in factories and dispose chemical waste in the water then our planet will not remain fit for the survival of living beings after a few decades. We are already witnessing the negative effects of the growing water and air pollution and the situation will only get worst in the times to come. Each one of us must contribute our bit to prevent air and water pollution.

Conclusion :- Interestingly, while oxygen and water make life possible on Earth. Too much of these can be hazardous. Excess of oxygen can cause the loss of vision, muscle twitching and coughing. Likewise, consuming more than the required amount of water can impact the kidneys. It can also cause hyponatremia, a condition in which the level of salt and sodium in the body drops really low.


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